January 15, 2008

Plantage is a gorgeous flash video created for Danish music group Under Byen by Amanita Design, who brought us Samorost. This and other cool videos found at Blue Tea.

December 16, 2007

The Whale Hunt - more than three thousand photos taken at five minute intervals over a period of nine days, documenting a northern Alaskan community's annual Bowhead harvest. Interesting interface. Via DIMMN, by way of Haddock.

December 14, 2007

The Lives They Left Behind - a haunting examination of suitcases and trunks found in the attic of an abandoned psychiatric center. more inside

July 09, 2007

HBO Voyeur - what sordid secrets lurk behind closed doors? (Some bits may be NSFW if you have a huge fresnel lens on your monitor.) Via Ample Sanity.

June 15, 2007

Stunning monkeys! At peacay's gorgeous site. The one on the right is Kitworthy, no?

June 14, 2007

Sorry, gotta go - convincing sound files for when you really, really want to end that pesky call. Takes me back to the old days when my mother, talking on a black rotary dial phone, would frantically make doorbell pushing motions to us kidlets so she could escape a boring call. I like "My carriage is here".

June 13, 2007

Better dead than red? - gingerism threatens carrot-tops. (Yes, carrot tops are green, but try telling non-reds that.) more inside

May 23, 2007

Best Visual Illusion of the Year Contest - quite a collection. The visual illusion community includes visual scientists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, and visual artists that use a variety of methods to help discover the neural underpinnings of visual illusory perception. First place went to The Leaning Tower Illusion, submitted by McGill University. *preen* Via FmH

May 22, 2007

A book a fortnight - in which award-winning Yann Martel (Life of Pi) sends Canada's Prime Minister suggested volumes to read, along with quite fascinating letters. The response from Mr. Harper has been underwhelming.

May 15, 2007

Curious George: Heave-ho hovel - does anybody have experience with selling a house without a realtor? Any words of warning or hot tips? more inside

May 10, 2007

Save Pooky! A charming adventure game - puzzles to solve and keys to find. From Wortel Drie, a Netherlands site that has lots of interesting stuff. Via Ample Sanity

May 04, 2007

Not a safe haven, eh? U.S.A. army deserters run, can't hide. Fookin' tory gubmint.

May 03, 2007

Do Penguins Fly? - a fabulous, amusing bit of animation. See also Magik Circus at the same site, bearing a character reminiscent of Michigan J. Frog. Note: you'll have to enter disguised as a French person, as 'twere, but it's worth the sacrifice. Heh.

April 27, 2007

Exquisite sea slugs - such variety! more inside
The Sea Organ - a coastal installation at Zadar, Croatia, designed by architect Nikola Bašić. It plays strangely beautiful music with the aid of the Mediterranean Ocean, wind, some polyethylene tubes and a resonating chamber. Sample.

March 27, 2007

Recycled tintype images - strange and lovely rearrangements of bits of very old photos. Seen at Ample Sanity more inside

March 23, 2007

Hand bookbinding . Chinese bookbinding. Embroidered bookbinding. Sprinkled, dyed, marbled, gilt or gauffered edges. more inside

March 22, 2007

Aquarium toilet - who could possibly wee with all those witnesses? Video! more inside

March 05, 2007

Cyclical Non-uterine Dysmenorrhea - Dr. Gehardt Fardel's breakthrough cure for male menstrual cramps. (Via NOTCOT.)

February 19, 2007

It's the 21st Century, damnit - where's my jetpack? - Here's a look at the progress of the hydrogen peroxide rocket belt. Dan Schlund seems to be the current world master of hydrogen peroxide hovering (yootoob), but it's still only a 30-second flight. more inside
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